Payroll4 Course

Lesson 5: Add a Wage Code

Many companies have their own specific wage components. Despite the fact that Payroll4 comes with a large number of built-in wage codes, it is therefore often desirable to add your own wage codes.

  1. Click Company info & Options
  2. On the menu bar, click Add > Wage code
  3. Click Next
  4. Enter a name and a description for the new wage code
  5. Indicate what type of wage code it concerns and click on Next

The main wage code types are:

  • Normal wage component, for example: Night shift Allowance, Working hours
  • Wage in kind, for example: Company car, Free meals
  • Extraordinary wage, for example: Bonus, Holiday allowance, Cessantia
  • Untaxed expense, for example: Petrol money, Telephone allowance
  • Payout method, for example: MCB, RBC, Cash, Check
  • Non disclosed wage components, for example: Deduction, Loan, Advance
  1. Specify how the program should calculate the amount and click Next

This can be:

  • Percentage of salary, for example: a bonus equal to 50% of the fixed salary
  • Percentage of the hourly wage, for example: Overtime: 150%
  • Fixed amount, for example: Telephone reimbursement 25 guilders
  • Amount to be determined later. Enter the amount manually when using the code
  1. Indicate whether the amount is a addition to the wages (Credit), or a deduction from the wages (Debit)
  2. Click Finish

The Wizard is closed and the new wage code is created. The new wage code is now ready for use when entering mutations. You can make adjustments if necessary.

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