Check out these frequently asked questions. Chances are you will find your question with its answer here.
You pay Fl. 299 (USD 170) yearly for unlimited employees. There are no additional costs.
1) Download and install the program.
2) Click in the program on 'Registrer now' for all payment information.
Click on the link below for a topic with step-by-step instructions.
Click in the program on "Register Now" and select "Reregister" as payment method
Install the program in a shared network folder and then run "workstation-setup.exe" on the other workstations.
Yes, you can download and try out all program's at no cost.
Use the report "Year Declarations" > "Electronic Wage Summary".
Select "Email" as the destination of the output.
On the forum you will find a wide variety of topics about wage tax, AOV, SVB, etc.
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