You must register your copy of the program

Started by Support, September 28, 2009, 02:59:32 PM

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The program tells you that is not yet registered.


To get full unrestricted use of the program you must register it.


1. Start the program
2. Click on Register Now.
3. Click on Register now.
4. Click on I Accept after reading the license agreement.
5. You have not yet received a new registration number, so click on Next to continue .
6. Fill in the requested information and click on Next.
7. Click on Click here to register via our website.
8. Select a payment method and click on Submit

Select as payment method "Reregistration" if you want to transfer an existing license to a new copy of the program. There are no costs and the old registration number will be invalidated.

Only after submitting the registration form and after receiving a new registration number for this new copy of the program you may enter the new registration number at step 4.