You want to process pension premiums for the employees. The pension premium is usually a fixed amount that is agreed with an insurance company in a pension contract.
It is customary that employees buildup a pension via there employer. The employer pays part of the pension premium and the employee pays part of the pension premium.
You can enter a pension in Payroll4 plan as follows:
1) The employee has a fixed salary:
If the pension premium is a percentage of the FIXED SALARY, then enter on the "Wage"-tab the PERCENTAGES of the employee contribution and of the company contribution of the pension premium at "Pension empl." and "Pesion comp.".
2) If the employee has no fixed salary, or the premium depends also on other factors:
If the premium is not a percentage of the fixed salary then enter on the "Wage"-tab the AMOUNTS of the employee contribution and of the company contribution of the pension premium at "Pension empl." and "Pesion comp.".
Only if you process the pension premiums this way will the amounts be placed in the correct column of the wage sheet (verzamelloonstaat).